Barbara sent me an article that had been published in a prominent journal that talked about the demise of “Old Media” as an instrument of persuasion.
It is painfully obvious the author has confused the hammer with the nail.
As the world of marketing shifts due to new ways to engage people for purposes of persuasion, the old media doesn’t go away. It morphs.
When television came about radio was supposed to die as were all the magazines. It didn’t happen.
When the internet went viral, all other media were supposed to fade swiftly away, It is just not happening.
Social Media keeps being proclaimed to be the new whiz-bang paradigm of marketing. It isn’t.
My definition of marketing is:
1. Go where the money is.
2. Sell what they want to buy.
3. Do it again.
In order to get them to buy you need to remember: “Who you know matters, what you know is important but to build your business the single most important thing is who trusts you.”
Marketing is about getting to trust, making the sale and keeping the customer.
Marketing is selling the hole, not the drill.
Marketing is persuasion in print, in audio,in video, on line and in person.
Marketing isn’t the hammer, it’s the nail.
Pardon the rant. I’m always troubled by incomplete and inaccurate arguments.