The Secret of Building the Killer Sales Force

Lone wolf“Kate,” I asked as she joined us, “Did you walk away from
that client or get a sales manager fired?”

“The lone wolf was told to take a hike,” she replied.

Gail said, “So what are you doing besides team selling to
make clients more successful?”

She said, with a twinkle in her eye “I’m using a Contact
Relationship Management system and I’m forging bonds between sales, marketing
and customer service. Yes, Fletch, sometimes I listen.”

“Whoa,” Rob said, The boy has been pole-axed! His eyebrows
are headed for his hairline and thas gettin’ to be a fur piece!”

Gail waded back in, “I believe he’s apoplectic so I’ll ask
the questions while he recovers himself. First, tell us about these bonds.”

Kate began, “Just about any business can profit by thinking
about making the people that buy from them customers or clients forever. I know
that’s a long time and most sales consultants are all about getting sales
closed and moving on to the next prospect. It’s that lone wolf viewpoint.

The problem is that your customer doesn’t feel that way.
Even if you run a solo business, the customer expects you to stay engaged. If
you do, it pays off.

For instance, the car salesman that remembers you and stays
in touch gets a shot at selling you your next car or the one your kid needs or
the neighbor who is looking for a good deal. Or the insurance gal that
maintains the contact and winds up handling your life insurance, car insurance
and house insurance.

Every business profits when the sale is the beginning of a

“You’re right,” Chris said, “Even when I sign up a client
on-line, the telephone work I do with them after the close is what makes them
stick around. Fletch, you look like you’ve recovered, what’s on your mind?”

I said, “When you have a simple CRM system that is used,
everyone in the company that touches that client helps build the relationship.

Gail asked, “But how do you get them to put information into
the Contact Management system?”

What have you tried to overcome that obstacle?

Jerry Fletcher uses Trust-based marketing techniques and
technologies to build companies. Learn more at

From the lightning in a bottle of finding your company mission
to building automagic on-line marketing campaigns Jerry speaks on what works in
today’s world. See video of him in action at