I’m on the road making arrangements for my ailing father.
Fact is, I would much rather be reporting on one and of our usual lunches.
For a change I’ll simply voice a few of the things on my mind as I sit here in my mother’s cluttered kitchen.
Thanks to all of you that said things like, “Our thoughts are with you.” and “You are in our prayers, and “I will light a candle for you”
I‘m not a religious man but sentiments like that assure me that there is more to friendship than acquaintance. Much more.
That additional thing , whatever you call it can and is felt by the recipients we direct the universe to honor.
Although each of us goes on with life and business and filling our days with activity, for a moment we pause and direct an inspirational thought to making things better for someone we may only know through a slight connection.
Their loved one becomes important to us. Their concern be it brief or on-going becomes something we would absolve.
There are other unsung heroes in this confusing end-of-life dance with the grim reaper. The gerontology specialist who has become Dad’s doctor told me she is one of only 10,000 in the USA. It matters not to me that she wears the scarf of a Muslim woman.
She leads a team of nurses and aides and physical therapists who spend their days and nights trying to bring dignity and comfort to men and women afflicted with the one thing that gets us all —aging.
Take a moment of your time, if you will, to think positively of all those folks as well. Whisper a prayer or light a candle or two.
I do appreciate your kindness.
Jerry Fletcher.