“Aren’t you glad you’re not in retail? “ Rick said as he
threw his jacket over the back of his chair.
Gail looked over her glasses at him and asked, “What do you
“Well,” he said, “Imagine what it is like to have somebody
come into the store and ask about an item. You show it to them and explain the
features and how it compares with some other similar products. You even make
them an offer. But they don’t buy. Then you watch as they get on their smart
phone right outside your store and order it on-line.”
“Hold it!” Chris said.
He’s usually not that forceful so everyone stopped and
turned to him.
He went on, “That does happen but usually the reason is that
the buyer learned something about the product and now is back into a loop to
gather more information. He or she is not buying but getting more info and from
everything I’ve been able to find it is not price information that is the
“I agree totally,” Bob, our Brand man drawled, Brand will
get ‘em in the door but they got a passle o’ questions and if y’all tell ‘em too
much they are gonna be snout down in the feedin’ trough looking for another
morsel if you’re not careful.”
Kate snickered and said, “You do have a way with words, Bob.
And you’re right. People have more access to more information today than they
ever have and it makes it tough for sales representatives to get the order
whether it is consumer or business to business. But I can tell you from my
experience that successful salespeople put it to work for them.”
“How so?” I asked.
“Fletch,” she said, “They stay on top of it. They do
searches to find out what happens when someone goes looking for their product
or service using a generic term.”
Chris piped up, “A keyword search?”
“Yes. And they go look at what comes up… both the paid and
unpaid stuff And if they are geographically restricted they check out nearby
competitors But B to B types have it easier. The searches done there are more
specific. They are more about verification of your existence and to get a
glimpse of personality from your website.”
“She’s right,” I said, “but the online character analysis
will also include a look at your social networking presence. They will review
your personal and business pages on Linked In, Facebook and Google Plus. Your
Persona needs to be consistent across those sites and consistent with your
website as well to begin to build enough trust that they will talk to you.”
Bob said, “I could say it’s all about brand but that is
really the sum total of what folks thing feel and believe about you and your
outfit and or offering. I reckon all the folks out there have a take on this.
You should ask them to comment, Fletch.”
You can join the conversation.
Tell us how the internet has changed
how people buy your product or service and more importantly how you deal with that
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